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National Award

Number Title of work Presentation
P1 Properties of neutrino and weak interactions, search for effects beyond the Standard Model, investigation of rare nuclear decays (Number of comments: 41)
P2 Properties of neutrino and weak interactions, search for effects beyond the Standard Model (Number of comments: 41)
P2 Створення навігаційних систем для космічних апаратів, ракет-носіїв і безпілотних літальних апаратів (Number of comments: 5)
P3 Stress state of nonhomogeneous structures caused by the action of fields of different physical nature (Number of comments: 26)
P3 Nuclear processes as a source of information on the structure of nuclei and nuclear interaction (Number of comments: 34)
P3 Analytical Methods of Function Theory and Applications (Number of comments: 41)
P4 Methods and newest approaches to design, management and application of high performance IT-infrastructures (Number of comments: 63)
P4 Discovery and studies of phenomena for the light beams with singularities of wavefront (Number of comments: 58)
P5 Dynamic interaction of solid and elastic bodies with fluid (Number of comments: 45)
P5 Глубинное строение литосферы и сейсмическая опасность территории Украины (Number of comments: 44)
P5 Instrument complex stabilizer arms light armored vehicles (Number of comments: 22)
P6 Creation of antenna-fider devices for space technology (Number of comments: 43)
P7 Methods and systems of inertial navigation and initial orientation of rocket and space technique (Number of comments: 32)
P7 Effective methods for stress state estimation in nonhomogeneous structures caused by the action of fields of different physical nature (Number of comments: 26)
P8 Scientific and practical geological solutions for increase natural gas production in Ukraine (Number of comments: 18)
P8 Physical principles of low-dimensional system formation taking the particle interaction into account and the creation of innovative vacuum-technological equipment with ultra-high-density plasma fluxes (Number of comments: 52)
P9 Космічне та геоінформаційне забезпечення прийняття рішень в ключових сферах національної безпеки і оборони України (Number of comments: 24)
P9 Elaboration of innovative environmental technologies and their complex implementation at iron-ore underground mines of Ukraine (Number of comments: 34)
P9 Methods and Results of Research on the Microwave Response of Material Media in Electrodynamic Structures (Number of comments: 31)
P10 Assurance of functional safety of critical information-control systems (Number of comments: 79)
P10 Development of functional vacuum plasma and diffusion coatings for a wide range of applications (Number of comments: 65)
P11 Development and implementation of a new class of eutectic composite materials in engineering enterprises innovative technologies (Number of comments: 46)
P11 Development and implementation of a new class of eutectic composite materials in engineering enterprises innovative technologies (Number of comments: 0)
P11 Controlling the material properties under extreme conditions and in the vicinity of phase transitions (Number of comments: 30)
P12 Physical and technical principles of creating controlled nano- and microstructures on the solid surfaces (Number of comments: 54)
P12 Nuclear processes as a source of information on the structure of nuclei and nuclear interaction (Number of comments: 23)
P13 Creation of radiating structures of multifunctional radioelectronic systems (Number of comments: 38)
P13 The cycle of scientific papers "Modeling and methods of calculation and optimization of stress state of nonhomogeneous structures caused by the action of fields of different physical nature" (Number of comments: 12)
P14 Controlling the material properties under extreme conditions (Number of comments: 54)
P15 Multi-element approach application to the design of the materials with unique physical and mechanical properties (Number of comments: 39)
P15 Physical principles and innovative technologies for ultrasonic treatment of materials (Number of comments: 59)
P15 Scientific, technological, organizational and promotional basis for the creation of a new instrument complex stabilizing arms lightly armored vehicles (Number of comments: 54)
P16 Development ofplastic scintillators fof the special purpose (Number of comments: 40)
P16 Physical principles of spin-wave electronics and spintronics (Number of comments: 29)
P16 Controlling the physical effects at extreme conditions and in vicinity of phase transitions for emerging future technologies (Number of comments: 24)
P17 Створення мобільних комбінованих телекомунікаційних систем з використанням тропосферних засобів електронних комунікацій (Number of comments: 23)
P17 Optimization Methods and Computer Technologies for Modeling and Controlling of Information Processes and Systems (Number of comments: 39)
P17 Creation and broad implementation of new welding electrodes for oil and gas and machine-building industry (Number of comments: 47)
P18 Enhanced quality and reliability of industrial products using ultrasonic technologies (Number of comments: 56)
P18 Methods and newest approaches to design, management and application of high performance IT-infrastructures (Number of comments: 63)
P18 Photonics of semiconductor and dielectric nanostructures (Number of comments: 46)
P19 Coal mining and excavating through high-amplitude fault. (Number of comments: 49)
P19 Створення полімерних матеріалів та конструкцій з них під дією фізичних полів (Number of comments: 90)
P20 The new methods and means of data and knowledge engineering for information modeling of various subject areas (Number of comments: 28)
P20 Functional magnetic materials for nanoelectronics and biotechnology: physical background (Number of comments: 19)
P21 Modern methods of algebra and number theory and its applications (Number of comments: 35)
P21 Intellectual technologies in medical diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation (Number of comments: 67)
P21 The series of scientific works "Optimization Methods and Information-Communication Technologies for Analysis and Control of Complex Processes and Systems" (Number of comments: 39)
P21 Multiparticle phenomena in nuclear fusion facilities, plasma electronics, and plasma technologies (Number of comments: 35)
P22 Novel structural and functional multi-component high entropy materials (Number of comments: 37)
P22 A highly informative polarimetry and products on it's based (Number of comments: 30)
P22 Створення, випробування та дослідження на навколоземних орбітах перших вітчизняних наносупутників "ПоліІТАН" формату CubeSat (Number of comments: 24)
P22 Monitoring of objects in the priori uncertainty information sources (Number of comments: 23)
P23 А series of the work «Polarimetry of high information capacity and products based on it» (Number of comments: 20)
P23 Energy-efficient LED lighting systems (Number of comments: 27)
P23 Providing operability of lengthy industrial objects under long-term operating environment impact (Number of comments: 29)
P23 Means and methods of a complex of information processing for control of transport structures and optimization of control systems (Number of comments: 12)
P24 Polymer composites based on thermoplastic relatives (Number of comments: 58)
P24 Methodology of the models synthesis of intelligent control and security systems of critical infrastructure objects (Number of comments: 27)
P24 Development and implementation of scientific and practical geological measures to increase gas production in Ukraine (Number of comments: 20)
P25 The Universe radio emission at decameter wavelengths (Number of comments: 49)
P26 Tectonical and geofluidodynamic concept of oil and gas reservoirs formation in the sedimentary basins of Ukraine (Number of comments: 27)
P27 Photonics of semiconductor and dielectric nanostructures (Number of comments: 50)
P27 Materials and technologies for creating elements of rocket and aviation engineering structures (Number of comments: 16)
P28 Newest methods of mathematical modeling of complex processes and systems based on high-performance computing (Number of comments: 44)
P28 Physical principles of creation of functional magnetic materials for nanoelectronics and nanobiotechnologies (Number of comments: 46)
P28 Materials and technologies of structures in modern aircraft (Number of comments: 35)
P28 Metal, metal-ceramic and ceramic materials and products from them for weapons, military equipment and energy (Number of comments: 35)
P29 Complexes and technologies of determination of the Transport-state of highways (Number of comments: 0)
P29 Ultrasonic Impact Treatment of Surface of Structures and Constructions (Number of comments: 36)
P29 A series of monographs on the subject “Modern dynamics of materials and structural elements” (Number of comments: 8)
P29 Intelligent technologies of functional diagnosis and modeling of surgery operations (Number of comments: 79)
P30 Physic and technic of modern polarimetry (Number of comments: 23)
P31 Creation of antenna-fider devices for space technology (Number of comments: 54)
P31 Controllable effects of plastic deformation of product pieces for metallurgy and transport (Number of comments: 35)
P31 А series of the works "Functional properties of the bulk and surface ordered systems and fabrication of new metal-containing materials and structures" (Number of comments: 35)
P32 New technologies of creation of ukrainian nanosatellites "poliytan" for studying of terrestrial space (Number of comments: 26)
P33 Structure and evolution of the universe at the galactic and cosmological scales, hidden mass and dark energy: theoretical models and observational results (Number of comments: 0)
P33 Development and implementation of technologies providing technogenic and environmental safety in the coal mining regions under the liquidation of the mining enterprises of Ukraine (Number of comments: 32)
P34 Deep structure of the lithosphere and seismic hazard in Ukraine (Number of comments: 43)
P34 The series of the works "The formation of fields with definite time, space-energy, and polarization characteristics by electrodynamic structures" (Number of comments: 43)
P35 New technologies of the development of "Polyitan" series national nanosatellites for the investigation of the near-earth space (Number of comments: 38)
P36 The prospects of building up the resource base of hydrocarbons of Ukraine by means of unconventional sources (Number of comments: 34)
P38 Qualitative Methods of Studying Models of Mathematical Physics (Number of comments: 30)
P39 Thermobaric and geodynamic conditions and prospects for oil and gas sedimentary basins of Ukraine (Number of comments: 23)
P43 Цикл наукових праць "Структура і динаміка геофізичних полів як відображення еволюції та взаємодії геосфер в Антарктиці" (Number of comments: 51)
P44 of the cycle of works "Physics, dynamics and statystics of comets, minor planets and meteors: observations, discoveries, and new models». (Number of comments: 16)
P45 The state target defensive development programme of armament and military equipment of armed forces (system-conceptual framework, theory, realization) (Number of comments: 0)
P47 Size effects in thin film materials for thermoelectric energy conversion (Number of comments: 1)
Number Title of work Presentation
P1 Development and implementation of non-waste technology of effluent gases purification while production of manganese sinter cake (Number of comments: 11)
P1 Eco-orientedtechnologies of iron ore mining at underground mines of Ukraine (Number of comments: 56)
P4 Spatial agroecology as the basis of management of pertinentsiya in the technogenic landscapes of the southeast of Ukraine (Number of comments: 56)
P5 Development and Implementation of Resource-saving Technologies and Energy-efficient Equipment for the Production and Consumption of Alternative Fuels (Number of comments: 69)
P6 Technology Development and Industrial Organization of Landfill Greenhouse Gas Utilization in Power Plants (Number of comments: 48)
P10 The development of a new coal deposit through the implementation of geomechanical adapted technologies (Number of comments: 64)
P11 Creation of reversible hydraulic generating units of Dniester PSPP to improve perfromance of integrated power system of Ukraine (Number of comments: 31)
P12 Usage of uavs for increasing safety and efficiency of Ukrainian energy system (Number of comments: 49)
P12 Fundamentals of environmentally safe natural resource management system forming for sustainable development of Ukraine (Number of comments: 21)
P13 Series of R&D on improvement of thermohydraulic efficiency and reliability of power facilities (Number of comments: 56)
P13 Advanсed technologies for mining and processing of mineral raw materials of primary and technogenic deposits (Number of comments: 33)
