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Means and methods of a complex of information processing for control of transport structures and optimization of control systems

Work number - P 23 FILED

Presented by: Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University.


Batrakova A.G., Alekseev O. P., Kozhushko V. P., Ryapukhin V. M., Batrakov D.O., Bykov V.M.


The aim of the series of interdisciplinary scientific works is to solve a set of interrelated tasks – development of models: technical means for controlling inhomogeneous media with inclusions and individual elements (systems) of such means; models of signals used for non-destructive testing and remote sensing; models of the processes of operation of various technical designs (roads, bridges, etc.); models of local and network level of processes of highways degradation. This provided a qualitatively new level of information processing and, together with algorithms and software, made it possible for the first time to create a methodology for monitoring and assessment the current condition of such important facilities and technical structures as highways, bridges and special equipment.

Under the leadership or with the participation of the authors 59 research and development projects have been completed, including 6 fundamental studies;  6 projects on grants from the Ministry of Education and Science and the State Agency for Science, Innovation and Informatization of Ukraine; their results are reflected in 519 articles in scientific journals and conference proceedings (of which 86 scientific papers are edited in the international scientometric database SCOPUS, 246 - Google Scholar) 17 monographs; in 3 sections of monographs, among which one was issued in the international scientific publishing house "CRC-Press"; in 15 textbooks and teaching aids; in 23 patents of Ukraine and 26 copyright certificates.

The database SCOPUS registered 159 references to the work of the authors of the cycle, in the database Google Scholar - 595; The total h-index of the author's collective is 12 according to the SCOPUS database and 31 according to the Google Scholar database. The results of the series of work were also demonstrated at numerous international exhibitions and implemented in 19 normative and technological documents of various sectors of the state economy.

The developed methods, instruments and equipment are implemented in 5 normative documents of the state and departmental level and 14 technological documents of the road sector of Ukraine, in the quality control system of the State Enterprise "Dorcenter", in the Syrian Arab Republic for construction and repair of bridges.

The 6 Doctor Sci. and 12 Cand. Sci. theses were defended within the framework.
