Work number - P 17 FILED
The authors proposed the development of a new generation of dual-use communications equipment by creating mobile combined telecommunication systems: mobile troposcatter-radiorelay stations, mobile troposcatter-space stations, mobile troposcatter-ionospheric stations. Troposcatter means of electronic communications are an integral part of mobile combined telecommunication systems and have been further developed in the form of small-sized high-speed noise-resistant and nodal point-to-multipoint troposcatter stations. Based on the totality of tactical and technical characteristics in the absence of a military space communications system, there is no reasonable alternative to troposcatter communications.
For the first time in world practice has been created a theory of partially filled waveguides by dielectric does not touch the walls and for which the eigenvector functions of such waveguides have been determined. A theory has been proposed for constructing devices on waveguides partially filled by dielectric, in particular, with nonlinear elements using an apparatus of special functions of mathematical physics. Antenna-feeder paths of mobile combined telecommunication systems with troposcatter means of electronic communications are built on such waveguides.
Troposcatter means of electronic communications are in service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the amount of several dozen units. The cost of the Ukrainian production model is 1.6 times less than a similar model with the same characteristics produced in the USA.