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National Award, 2019

Number Title of work Presentation
P2 Створення навігаційних систем для космічних апаратів, ракет-носіїв і безпілотних літальних апаратів (Number of comments: 5)
P3 Nuclear processes as a source of information on the structure of nuclei and nuclear interaction (Number of comments: 34)
P5 Глубинное строение литосферы и сейсмическая опасность территории Украины (Number of comments: 44)
P9 Elaboration of innovative environmental technologies and their complex implementation at iron-ore underground mines of Ukraine (Number of comments: 34)
P10 Assurance of functional safety of critical information-control systems (Number of comments: 79)
P11 Controlling the material properties under extreme conditions and in the vicinity of phase transitions (Number of comments: 30)
P17 Creation and broad implementation of new welding electrodes for oil and gas and machine-building industry (Number of comments: 47)
P19 Створення полімерних матеріалів та конструкцій з них під дією фізичних полів (Number of comments: 90)
P21 Intellectual technologies in medical diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation (Number of comments: 67)
P24 Polymer composites based on thermoplastic relatives (Number of comments: 58)
P28 Newest methods of mathematical modeling of complex processes and systems based on high-performance computing (Number of comments: 44)
P29 Ultrasonic Impact Treatment of Surface of Structures and Constructions (Number of comments: 36)
P31 Creation of antenna-fider devices for space technology (Number of comments: 54)
P32 New technologies of creation of ukrainian nanosatellites "poliytan" for studying of terrestrial space (Number of comments: 26)
Number Title of work Presentation
P23 Scientific bases and technologies of anthracite replacement at thermal power plants (Number of comments: 33)
P25 Assessment of the environmental impact of radiation accidents for the formulation and implementation of the remediation strategy of the contaminated territories (Number of comments: 40)
P26 Diversification of supply of natural gas as a constituent of energy security of the state (Number of comments: 39)
P27 Spatial ecology as a basis for the restoration of biotic potential of ecosystems (Number of comments: 21)
Number Title of work Presentation
P7 Prevention of cardio-cerebral complications and sudden cardiac death (Number of comments: 47)
P14 High-tech methods of providing specialized dental care in peaceful and wartime (Number of comments: 36)
P18 High-selective methods of synthesis of heterocyclic compounds, components of functional materials and creation of novel medicines (Number of comments: 47)
P20 Development of new generation biologically active compositions of esssential nutrients and their implementation (Number of comments: 28)
P22 Psychotherapy in somatic medicine (Number of comments: 4)
Number Title of work Presentation
P12 Integration of Ukraine into the global socio-economic space (Number of comments: 59)
P16 Life world and psychological security of the human in conditions of social changes (Number of comments: 92)
P30 Realization And Protection The Rights Of Ukraine's Indigenous Peoples In Modern Conditions (Number of comments: 179)
Number Title of work Presentation
P1 Development and providing into manufacturing the modern resource-saving technologies of pork production (Number of comments: 0)
P4 Development and production of energy-saving feed preparation units of the AKGSM series "Mriya" (Number of comments: 32)
P6 Створення роторів турбін великої потужності (Number of comments: 52)
P8 The use of mineral compounds and polyfunctional nanomaterials in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine (Number of comments: 46)
P13 Innovation system of selection providing for maize grain production in Ukraine (Number of comments: 80)
P15 The creation and implementation of modern motor-car rolling stock for speed passenger transportation in Ukraine (Number of comments: 78)