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Creation of modern highly efficient cBN cutting tools with a protective coating

Work number - M 15 AWARDED

Authors:  KlimenkoS. A.,к.т.н., NemchenkoU. S.

Presented by the Institute of Superhard Materials NAS of Ukraine 

The wok is addressed to the important scientific and technical problemof creating of modern cutting tools with polycrystalline superhard materials based on the cBN with a protective coating that will increase the stability of the tool and processing efficiency by improvement of existing technology of coating creation and application.

The scientific principlesof creation and application of tools equipped with polycrystalline superhard materials based on the CBN with a protective coating in the process of high-performance cutting processing products from hardened steel and alloys.

Developed and implementation of high-tech, energy-saving technologies of protective coatings application, a novel high-performance cutting tools from superhard polycrystalline material based on the cBN with a protective coating was created and technology of its applicatiomn in the processing of products from hardened steel and alloys was developed.

The total expected effect of the implementation of the results on the machine-building enterprises of Ukraine is not less than 2 mln. UAH year.

Scientific results reflected in the textbook and 20 articles. Novelty and competitive technical solutions protected by two patents.

Scientific results displayed in one textbook, more than 20 articles. Novelty and competitive technical solutions protected by two patents. Total citation index is more than 2 pursuant database Scopus. Works cited authors in more than 10 scientific and applied scientific journals.