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Constructions for energy efficient restoration of building, suffered by emergencies

Work number - M 78 AWARDED


Voskobiynyk O.P., Virchenko V.V., Sivitska S.P.


Presented by Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University.


During the work we solved a major scientific and technical problem of energy-efficient restoration (reconstruction, reinforcement) of industry, residential and public buildings and engineering infrastructure of areas affected by emergency situations of natural and man-made (including military operations) character with using new high-tech and resource efficient methods and constructions.

The scientific principles and methodology for assessment and valuation of the technical conditions of the damaged building structures and integrated methods and designs of their energy efficiency (recovery) were developed, new optimizing, probably valuable models and criterions for delimitation of technical conditions of the damaged building objects which are based on minimization of functions of average risk of false diagnosis during the test were proposed. The scientific approach to determining the strategic priorities of investing during the recovery of areas affected by emergencies, with the introduction of energy efficient technologies and alternative energy was developed.

New types of energy efficient of steel reinforced concrete structures of strengthening, also mechanization of labor for their production and construction, designed for mass use in the affected areas for the effective implementation of renewable construction work in compressed conditions of operation and liquidation of emergencies of natural and man-made (including military actions) character were developed and implemented.

Increased industrialization, reliability and resource efficiency of proposed design solutions and methods, which generally allows significantly (almost three times) reduce the value and terms of renewal construction work, represent the global level of scientific researches. In terms of the effectiveness of the new rational combinations of different materials for their effective collaboration, the complex steel reinforced concrete structures of strengthening (recovery) are unique.

The economic effect of the implementation of scientific developments is to reduce energy and material range of works of restore the building while ensuring high reliability and structural safety of construction by the most efficient use of materials and reducing construction time, labor costs and energy consumption during construction.

Scientific results of research are shown in 2 monographs and 79 articles. Novelty and competitive of technical solutions are protected by 6 patents of Ukraine for utility models.

The total number of authors’ publications: 159.