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Нові методи лікування важких метаболічних порушень

Work number - P 14 FILED

Presented Institute of Surgery and Transplantology named after OO Shalimov ” of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

Ph.D. Bubalo OF, MD Bury OM, MD Kolesnik TV, Kosyukhno SV, MD Lavrik AS, MD Mitchenko OI, MD Perekhrestenko OV, MD Tivonchuk OS

        The series of scientific works is devoted to a topical issue - the treatment of patients with metabolic disorders caused by obesity. Metabolic disorders that occur against the background of obesity are key in the development of severe complications that contribute to increased disability and mortality. And the annual growth of patients with type 2 diabetes determines the need to find new treatments, including surgery.

        The authors developed a comprehensive approach to optimizing and improving the diagnosis and treatment of obese patients through the development and implementation of new clinical diagnostic algorithms and treatment protocols for patients with metabolic syndrome, based on an interdisciplinary approach with the active involvement of endocrinologists and cardiologists.

        The main metabolic disorders, which are the main pathogenetic links caused by obesity, are studied and described, new approaches to the diagnosis and conservative treatment of such patients are developed, new surgical operations on the digestive tract are developed and implemented in health care. obesity and type 2 diabetes.

        Introduced new minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques have improved treatment outcomes by reducing the incidence of complications.

Number of publications: monograph 1, 206 articles. The total number of references to the authors' publications / h-index of the work, according to the databases, is Scopus - 398/17, Google Shcolar - 3482/36. Received 20 patents of Ukraine for inventions.