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Conceptual principles for ensuring information security of the national economy in terms of digitization

Work number - M 39 AWARDED

Presented National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic"

1. BONDAREVSKA Olha – PhD, Senior Lecturer in Finance, Banking and Taxation National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic"
2. GLUSHKO Alina – PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance, Banking and Taxation National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic"
3. YANKO Alina – PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Computer and Information Technology and Systems National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic"

In this paper we define the dual relationship between Djilas processes and elements of the system of information security of the national economy. The structure and content of the categorical basis of ensuring information security of the national economy in terms of digitization.

Justifies a scientific and methodical approach to determine the influence Djilas on the national economy and national economic interests by identifying and taking into account the totality of threats to information security of Ukraine, which are destructive factors in the development of the national economy.

Developed concepts of synergetic approach to the information security of the national economy in terms of digitization based on the provisions of a new paradigm of use of the opportunities associated with the development of information technologies and and prevention of new threats to information security of the national economy through the protection of information to ensure the authenticity, integrity, and availability of state information resources of restricted access information, in particular the one that circulates on the objects of economic information infrastructure and determines the further safe development of the state.

Justified institutional information security of the national economy in the context of its main structural elements. Defined the strategic direction of regulatory policy and a complex of measures on organization, collaboration, information, control and other functional and administrative actions through the implementation of which the national economy will be safe.

Developed methods and tools for operational monitoring and diagnosis of data errors in the FCS based on the use of the current positional indication of the RNC, which allows to increase the efficiency of the control and protection of economic data, and is part of the information security economy. Discussed options of using the developed method of surgical correction to solve the problem of error correction in real time based on the use of alternative aggregate NKS, by parallel independent processing of residues numbers that are represented in the sacs. Formed the concept for the development of highly reliable computer systems of data processing, as one of the methods to ensure the security of the national economy in terms of digitization.

Number of publications: 164, incl. 8 monographs (3 - foreign), 49 articles (7 - in English-language magazines with impact factor), 107 abstracts. The total number of links to the publications of authors / h-index of work according to databases is respectively: Web of Science - 1/1, Scopus - 40/3, Google Scholar - 97/3. Received 7 patents of Ukraine for invention, 12 patents for utility model.