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Information technologies for providing information transmitting for adaptive management and monitoring

Work number - M 16 FILED

Presented Institute of Telecommunications and Global Information Space, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Vasylenko V.M., Prystupa V.V., Trysnyuk, T.V.

The authors proposed methods for ensuring the reliability of information in wireless data transmission systems under conditions of a priori uncertainty, which is presented in the form of algorithms for collecting, storing and processing encoded data in the process of multi-level parametric adaptation of code structures.

An analysis of the existing methods for ensuring the reliability of information, an analysis of the current state of wireless data transmission systems and retransmission request systems, which shows that a promising direction in solving the problem of ensuring the reliability of information under conditions of a priori uncertainty, is the use of parametric adaptation of the code designs of turbo codes.

A method of three-level adaptation of turbocode parameters has been developed, which includes a three-stage adaptation of turbo code parameters according to the proposed uncertainty indicator.

A method for adaptive selection of parameters in wireless data transmission systems with turbo coding is developed, which selects the selects the spreading parameter S depending on the values of the decoding uncertainty index.

The further development of the method of forming a hybrid re-request request, which, unlike the existing one, received a further development of the reciprocal transfer of only false bits of data obtained by the results of decoding, taking into account uncertainty, in order to ensure the specified reliability indicators.

The process of deciding when decoding is improved by the use of additional a priori information and uncertainty of decoding.

Number of publications: 33 published works, including 16 articles in specialized scientific journals of Ukraine, 4 articles in foreign scientific journals, 11 – in collections of scientific papers of international scientific and practical conference in Ukraine, 2 certificates of copyright registration of the program, the citation index is according to the database Google Scholar – 8. In total, the authors have published 59 scientific papers.