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Системне обґрунтування структури і використання технологічних комплексів машин для збирання та післязбиральної обробки врожаю зернових культур

Work number - M 50 AWARDED

Presented to the National scientific center "Institute of mechanization and electrification of agriculture».


Authors: Dnes Viktor Ihorovych, Skibchyk Volodymyr Ivanovych.

The scientific basis for optimization of technical support of harvesting and postharvest harvesting of early grain crops on the basis of statistical simulation based on stochastic agrometeorological conditions, as well as substantiation of rational variants of intergovernmental use of grain harvesting systems are developed.

The complex of applied software is developed, which allows to predict efficiency indicators of technological processes of harvesting and post-harvest processing of grain for the given characteristics of production plans, parameters of grains-transporting complexes and parameters of technical equipment of post-harvest grain processing points and to substantiate the rational technological complexes of the corresponding machines. The use of the developed automated system enables to substantiate effective management decisions concerning planning and implementation of grain harvesting by agricultural commodity producers taking into account the natural production conditions and technical equipment at different stages of management of the relevant work.

The use of developed methods and application software developed on the basis of them makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the use of machinery and processes of harvesting and post-harvest processing of grain crops by reducing the losses of cultivated crop due to the untimely collection of it and the rational assembly and use of technological complexes of machines for harvesting and postharvest cultivation of grain crops, as well as to predict the development of a technical basis for harvesting and postharvesting grain crops.

The results of the work have been introduced into the practice of agricultural producers in different regions of Ukraine and the educational process of universities.

Acquisition of rational technological complexes of machines for harvesting and postharvest cultivation of grain crops by the developed methodology and software and subsequent use of rational systems of these machines will allow to reduce losses of cultivated grain crops due to the untimely harvest 2-3 times. Additional proceeds from the sale of the saved crop will amount to 6-8 billion UAH / year.

Number of publications:90, including on the themes of the – 33 articles (12 in periodicals of other States and editions of Ukraine, included in the international scientometric databases), 4 methodical recommendations, 5 deposited scientific works, 24 abstracts. The total number of references to publications of authors is according to the database Google Scholar - 7, h-index = 2.
