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A set of publications “Monoclonal and Recombinant Antibodies for Experimental Biology, Medicine and Veterinary”

Work number - P 35 AWARDED

AuthorsLugovskoy E.V., Kolibo D.V., Kolesnikova I.M., Olijnik O.S., Kostiuchenko O.P., Gluzman D.F., Sidorenko S.P., Skljarenko L.M., Shlapatska L.M.

Presented by Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of the NAS of Ukraine for the State Science and Techniques Award (2015).

A set of publications includes 10 monographs and 267scientific articles, published during 1985-2014.

Present work includes generalized results of long-term studies on obtaining, characterization and implementation of monoclonal and recombinant antibodies for the fundamental biological studies and construction of diagnostic tools and diagnostic algorithms at several pathologies.

The aim of the work was to obtain and implement monoclonal and recombinant antibodies into the clinic practice.

Novelty: for the first time in Ukraine the hybridomas technology was implemented and many hybridomas producing monoclonal antibodies were obtained. In particular, specific monoclonal antibodies to fibrinogen, fibrin, D-dimer, protein C and to human leukocyte antigens were produced within Ukraine. The first library of scFv-antibodies was created, which was unique for Ukraine. The molecular mechanisms of 3D-fibrin network formation were revealed and a new human leukocyte antigens were discovered with the aid of monoclonal antibodies. The data obtained were important for the development of the new unitary model of hematopoiesis and clarification of a modern hemoblastosis classification.

Practical importance: test-systems for the quantification of fibrinogen, soluble fibrin and D-dimer in human blood plasma were designed and used for the diagnostics of the threat of thrombus formation at cardiovascular diseases and surgery. New immunochemical test-systems for the determination of diphtheria toxin and antibodies to this toxin were designed. The first series of monoclonal antibodies for scientific and laboratory studies were developed, registered and licensed to be used in Ukraine. Immunocytochemical algorithms of the diagnostics of leukemia and metastasis in lymph nodes and bone marrow were proposed. Implementation of developed immunocytochemical methods and obtained monoclonal antibodies for diagnostics are of importance not only from the social point of view. They also allow achieving significant economic effect by cost cutting of funds usually used for the purchase of foreign-made compounds.

Results of investigations presented were published in 267 publications, including 10 monographs and 197 papers in referred journals (including 98 in international journals). The authors’ publications were cited 2208 times in 1381 papers (according to Scopus database), h-index of publications was 21. The authors received 17 patents and two State Registration. On the current theme 6 thesis of a doctor of science degree and 17 on a candidate of science degree were defended.