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Obstetrics and gynecology

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1.Obstetrics and gynecology:textbook, edited by Academician of NAS of Ukraine, professor V.I.Grischenko, professor N.A.Scherbina - Kyiv: AUS"Medicine Publishing", 2014. Book 1 «Obstetrics» – 391s. Book 2 «Gynecology» - 351s.

2. Акушерство та гінекологія: підручник, за редакцією академіка НАН України, професора В.І. Грищенко, професора М.О. Щербини - Київ: ВСВ  «Медицина», 2011. Книга 1 «Акушерство» - 422 с.  Книга 2 «Гінекологія» - 375с.

3. Акушерство и гинекология: учебник, под редакцией академика НАН Украини, профессора В.И. Грищенко, профессора Н.А. Щербины Киев: ВСИ  «Медицина», 2012. Книга 1 «Акушерство» - 415 с.  Книга 2 «Гинекология» - 375с. 

Applicants: 1.ScherbinaNikolaiAlexandrovich(Микола Олександрович Щербина, Николай Александрович Щербина), DoctorofMedicine, Professor, HeadoftheDepartmentofObstetricsandGynecology№1 KharkovNationalMedicalUniversity. 2. Markin Leonid Borisovich (ЛеонідБорисовичМаркін, ЛеонидБорисовичМаркин) corresponding member of NAMS of Ukraine, Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Lviv National Medical University.

The work takes the State Prize of Ukraine the Kharkov National Medical University.

Textbooks are described modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of obstetric and gynecological diseases. Textbooks include clinical problems, compiled in the form of tests. Their purpose - to estimate  the initial level of knowledge and consolidate students  knowledge. The textbooks used in basic orders of Ministry of Health of Ukraine and elucidate the modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of pregnant and gynecological patients. Each subsection includes tests and situational problems with answers for self-testing students, as well as a list of practical skills that students should be able to use. The textbook presents modern views on the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of obstetric and gynecological pathology, including in case of emergency. In textbook describe the achievements of domestic and world science obstetrics and gynecology. Consider the physiological aspects of pregnancy and childbirth, the main factors of etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of obstetric and gynecological pathology. The textbook is approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions of III - IV accreditation levels.

