P4 |
Methods and newest approaches to design, management and application of high performance IT-infrastructures (Number of comments: 63) |
P12 |
Nuclear processes as a source of information on the structure of nuclei and nuclear interaction (Number of comments: 23) |
P16 |
Controlling the physical effects at extreme conditions and in vicinity of phase transitions for emerging future technologies (Number of comments: 24) |
P19 |
Coal mining and excavating through high-amplitude fault. (Number of comments: 49) |
P20 |
The new methods and means of data and knowledge engineering for information modeling of various subject areas (Number of comments: 28) |
P23 |
Means and methods of a complex of information processing for control of transport structures and optimization of control systems (Number of comments: 12) |
P24 |
Development and implementation of scientific and practical geological measures to increase gas production in Ukraine (Number of comments: 20) |
P25 |
The Universe radio emission at decameter wavelengths (Number of comments: 49) |
P28 |
Physical principles of creation of functional magnetic materials for nanoelectronics and nanobiotechnologies (Number of comments: 46) |
P29 |
Intelligent technologies of functional diagnosis and modeling of surgery operations (Number of comments: 79) |
P34 |
Deep structure of the lithosphere and seismic hazard in Ukraine (Number of comments: 43) |
P35 |
New technologies of the development of "Polyitan" series national nanosatellites for the investigation of the near-earth space (Number of comments: 38) |
P36 |
The prospects of building up the resource base of hydrocarbons of Ukraine by means of unconventional sources (Number of comments: 34) |
P38 |
Qualitative Methods of Studying Models of Mathematical Physics (Number of comments: 30) |