Work number - M 7 AWARDED
Presented Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
N.O. Yaremko, Ph.D., Vintskovska Yu.Yu., Ph.D, L.V. Pavliuk, Ph.D.
Pathogens, adverse soil-climatic and weather conditions, as well as imperfect cultivation technologies, are the main limiting factors of effective realization of biological potential of economically important fruit crops. Therefore, the authors` research is focused on the development of the basics for improvement of the horticultural products quality at the stages of creation the pre-basic planting materials, mother stocks and fruiting plantations, as well as improvement of the marketable and consumer qualities of fruits. Monitoring studies of 11 viruses were conducted in sour and sweet cherry orchards as well as in rootstocks plantations. Virus-free clones of cultivars and rootstocks were selected as the result. Molecular-genetic characteristics of local isolates of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus, Prune dwarf virus and Plum pox virus were obtained. The negative effect of viral infection on the interaction of scion-rootstock components was studied. Highly effective elements of the technology of growing hazelnut planting material (profitability level ˗ 312,9-549,3 %) were developed, which improved biometric indicators, ensured a high number of standard saplings and reduced the cost of their cultivation. The adaptive potential of sour, sweet cherry and hazelnut planting material was evaluated. The obtained research data on the effect of Atonic Plus and Vapor Gard foliar treatment on plantations made it possible to establish the optimal terms of application of biological products according to the phenophases of the vegetation period of apple trees. This had a positive effect on the yield (plus 29-93 % comparing to the control) and fruit quality. Also, the use of these products allows to reduce the abnormal influence of weather conditions on trees' growing processes. In connection with the full-scale invasion and occupation of a large part of the territory of Ukraine (including Horticulture Research Stations), the work has a high scientific and practical value and addresses numerous problems related to improving the state of horticulture in general.
Number of publications: including 18 articles, 5 of which are published in the international scientific journals, 14 abstracts. The total number of citations for the authors' publications/h-index of the study according to the databases, respectively: Web of Science -/-, Scopus 5/2, Google Scholar 19/3.