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Development Strategy of Nature Conservation Territories within Urban Development System of Ukraine. Implementation of the Strategy in Shaping Botanical Garden’s Network

Work number - P 25 FILED

Presented by State Enterprise "Research and Design Institute for Urban Development". Authors: Sur M.H., Sokovnina N.H., Vdovychenko S.V., Polomanyi S.V., Krasovsky V.V., Zaitseva I.A., Opanasenko V.F.

The aim is to determine the future development of botanical gardens as objects of Ukrainian natural reserve collection of national importance, as well as objectives of their activities in urban planning system, climatic conditions characteristics, landscape and recreational potential of the area, historical aspects of their emergence and development.

The authors based on theoretical studies and experiments and identified the need for elaboration of development projects for botanical gardens in the structure of settlements.

A scientific basis of introducing methods of spatial organization and creation of a subtropical fruit crops collection was created, as well as methods of cultivation, protection and reproduction in the conditions of Ukrainian forest-steppe, elaboration of measures for the introduction of rare and endangered plants of the world’s flora in the conditions of steppe zone.

Essential conceptual basis of urban planning strategic objectives, as well as scientific, environmental, recreational, economic, and other activities were determined.

A comprehensive solution on the landscape of newly created Khorol Botanical Garden (which organizationally was established in 2009, creation of structural elements was began in 2014, after the development and approval of a territory organization project) and the design and reconstruction of the territory of existing Dnipropetrovsk botanical garden were accomplished (emerged in 1933, a basic structure of the planning area, quantitative and qualitative composition of botanical collections were formed over the postwar years, more than 70 years ago).

Territory organization projects of Khorol botanical garden and the botanical garden of Dnipropetrovsk Honchar National University were realized.

The union of an adjacent former DNU recreational park with the botanical garden was implemented (with its transformation into a full landscape and exposition area of the botanical garden), preserving recreational function for the rest of residents, functional zoning and planning of Khorol’s botanical garden territory was accomplished, its research base was established, nurseries for growing planting material were provided almost for all proposed collections and exhibitions,  preparatory works for creation of Red Book collection plants of Ukraine were held.

The economic effect of implementation – the growth of visitors, increase of plants collection and the extension of scientific research activities concerning biodiversity.

Number of publications: 162, including 5 books, 14 books (guides), 62 articles (9 – in foreign journals); 12 scientific-research work elaborated. Novelty and technical solutions’ competitiveness were protected by 8 patents. 1 doctoral and 7 PhD's theses on the subject were defended.