Work number - M 21 AWARDED
Presented Lviv Polytechnic National University
Stepan Shapoval – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation at the National Lviv Polytechnic National University.
As a result of comprehensive experimental studies on the thermophysical parameters of the proposed designs for innovative energy-efficient heliocollectors, integrated into the external protections of buildings, which convert solar energy into heat and heat supply systems based on them, the influence of dynamic heat carrier regimes, energy, and environmental kinetic characteristics on their thermal characteristics was established, and appropriate graph-analytical dependencies were obtained.
A methodology was developed for the engineering calculation of the thermal parameters of external enclosures that convert solar energy into heat, as well as a comprehensive method was devised for calculating the combined heat supply system of an energy-efficient building based on them. This methodology allowed energy calculation, economic and environmental analysis for the implementation of these systems.
Scientific and technical-economic evaluation of combined heat supply systems application for energy-efficient buildings, based on innovative energy-efficient combined external buildings protections has been carried out. In particular, the current value of future net cash flows resulting from the implementation of heat supply system projects based on these protections was compared with the investment costs necessary for their implementation at net present value. This comparison demonstrated the economic efficiency of projects with systems based on the proposed combined protections compared to analogs. It was established that their payback period does not exceed 6.5 years, and the technical annual energy-saving potential for new construction in Ukraine averages 700 GWh per year, leading to a reduction in CO2 emissions by 250 thousand tons annually. These findings are crucial for Ukraine’s reconstruction. The results of this scientific work have been successfully implemented in enterprises.
Number of publications: 4 collective monographs; 1 manual; 17 articles in journals categorized as "A" (including 10 in foreign publications), and 51 articles in journals categorized as "B", 6 individual conference abstracts. The author's publications have received the following citations and h-index according to various databases: Web of Science 17/3, Scopus 137/10, Google Scholar 66/5. Furthermore, the author has obtained four patents for inventions in Ukraine and 12 utility model patents