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Екосистемні сервіси ґрунтової біоти річкового басейну за умов мілітарного впливу та глобальних змін клімату

Work number - M 19 FILED

Russia's military aggression against Ukraine has resulted in the large-scale destruction of the environment over many years. Soil cover has suffered perhaps the greatest negative impact as a result of military operations over a large area of the country. Carbon sequestration is the most important ecosystem service provided by soil biota to mitigate the global climate change. The negative military impact of Russia's military aggression has led to disruption of ecosystem services over a large area. These disruptions can have significant negative consequences for global climate change. On the other hand, the ecosystem services should become an indicator for monitoring the implementation of soil cover restoration measures within the river catchment area. Ecosystem services should also become a reference point for assessing the perspectives of restoring ecosystems and damaged economic facilities after the war and for assessing the damage that the aggressor should compensate. An important problem is the quantitative evaluation of ecosystem services. The study will substantiate the possibility of using ecomorphic analysis of soil macrofauna to assess ecosystem services in areas affected by military operations and taking into account trends in global climate change.