Work number - M 12 FILED
Presented Sumy National Agrarian University
Viktoriia SHUMKOVA - PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Marketing and Logistics Departme
The study examines how economic, social, technological, and environmental aspects jointly shape economic security, and how important it is for every agricultural enterprise to adapt to the unpredictable challenges of war. Considerable attention is paid to a systematic approach to risk assessment and the implementation of insurance as a means of minimizing potential financial losses. The work provides strategic recommendations for agricultural enterprises on the integration of sustainable development and economic security as a foundation for ensuring the development of the enterprise and contribution to the national economy.
The scientific novelty of the obtained results is as follows:
for the first time: it was selected as a separate, insurance component of the economic security of an agricultural enterprise when calculating the integral indicator of the model for assessing the level of economic security of an agricultural enterprise, which is based on the definition of the indicator of the level of insurance security and the indicator of the level of insurance self-sufficiency, which allow assessing the available opportunity of an agricultural enterprise at the expense of own funds and funds of insurance companies to cover probable losses due to agricultural risks;
improved: the concept of «economic security of an agricultural enterprise», which, unlike the existing ones, characterizes this concept from the point of view of a system consisting of basic and supporting components, which in the process of complex interaction provide an acceptable state of economic security for an agricultural enterprise.
The main scientific and technical results of the work consist in the development and implementation of an integrated methodology for assessing the economic security of agricultural enterprises, which provides a multi-level analysis of resistance to external and internal threats. It includes the calculation of a comprehensive index of economic security based on a wide range of parameters, from financial to environmental, which is an innovation in this field.
The main provisions, conclusions and proposals of the work have been approved and accepted for implementation by the bodies of state management of agro-industrial development and agrarian enterprises of the Sumy region, which is certified by relevant acts and certificates, namely: the Department of Agro-Industrial Development of the Sumy Regional State Administration, SE "Research Farm of the Institute of Agriculture of the Northeast National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine" of the Sumy district of the Sumy region, FG Lysnyanskyi M.V. of the Lebedyn district of the Sumy region, CLLC "Names of Shevchenko" of the Lebedyn district of the Sumy region. Also, the research results are used in the educational process of the Sumy National Agrarian University.
Number of publications: 2 individual monographs, 10 collective monographs and manuals, 4 articles in journals included in category «A» (including 4 foreign publications) and 17 articles in journals included in category «B», 28 abstracts of reports. The total number of references to authors' publications/h-index by work according to databases is, respectively: Web of Science 1/1, Scopus 4/1, Google Scholar 46/4. 2 copyright registration certificates have been received.