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European integration of the law enforcement sphere of Ukraine in the conditions of the legal regime of martial law

Work number - M 11 FILED

Presented Private Scientific Institution «Research Institute of Legal and Social Sciences»

CHUMAK Volodymyr Valentynovych, Doctor of Law, Professor, Director of the Private Research Institution «Research Institute of Legal and Social Sciences»

The author carried out a comprehensive study of relevant theoretical-methodological, normative-legal, organizational and practical issues of the administrative-legal basis of the police activity of the EU countries and Ukraine under the conditions of the legal regime of martial law.

The main concepts and features of the basic categories are defined, including: police, police activity, administrative and legal principles, administrative and legal status and administrative legal personality.

A comparative analysis of the legal basis for the use of coercive measures (physical force, special means, firearms) by the police of EU countries and Ukraine under the legal regime of martial law was carried out.

A meaningful description of the administrative and legal principles of preventive and interventional activities of the police of the EU countries is given. The content of explanatory and preventive activities as a component of social management has been improved.

Based on the analysis of scientific works, the legislation of the EU countries, Ukraine and the practice of its implementation, the specifics of the administrative and legal bases of the activities of the police of the EU countries were determined, as well as thorough proposals and recommendations were provided on ways to use positive foreign experience to improve the administrative and legal bases of the activities of the National Police of Ukraine and implementation of the latest standards of police activity in Ukraine under the legal regime of martial law.


Total number of references to authors' publications/h-index for the last 5 years


CHUMAK Volodymyr: Web of Science – 5/0, Scopus – 2/0, Google Scholar – 78/6

Number of publications: 1 individual monograph, 2 collective monographs (including 2 in foreign publications), 2 textbooks, 2 study guides, 8 methodical recommendations, 5 articles in magazines included in category "A" (including 4 - in foreign publications), 62 articles in journals included in category "B", 56 abstracts of reports. The total number of references to authors' publications/h-index by work, according to the databases, is, respectively: Web of Science – 5/0, Scopus – 2/0, Google Scholar – 272/9. Received 2 patents for a useful model.