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Risks and consequences assessment of bromine compounds to poultry products exposure

Work number - M 4 FILED

Presented by the National Scientific Center "Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine"

Koreneva Yuliia Mykolaivna - junior researcher of the National Science Center "Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine"

The presented research is aimed at solving the problem of poultry products (eggs and meat) safety and quality. The author of the work substantiated by scientific and experimental means the maximum permissible level of bromine in feed, water and poultry products (meat and eggs) and poisoning criteria of laying hens by a vital marker (bromine content in egg whites).

For the first time in Ukraine, monitoring researches of bromine content in feed, water and poultry products (chicken eggs) from different regions of Ukraine were carried out, and a trend towards an increase in bromine levels was established in all the investigated objects. It has been proven that bromine gets into poultry products mainly due to excessive intake into the bird's body with alimentary factors of the environment (feed and water). New data were obtained on the toxicodynamics and toxicokinetics of bromine in the body of laying hens, it was established that excess intake of bromine leads to inhibition of the protein-synthesizing function of the liver due to hepatotoxic effects, but it almost does not affect the quality of the obtained products, but at the same time, a significant amount of bromine is excreted from the body of the bird with egg white, increasing the danger of such products. It was proved for the first time that the consumption of poultry products (meat and eggs) with a high content of bromine causes a decrease of It was proved for the first time that the consumption of poultry products (meat and eggs) with a high content of bromine causes a decrease of thyroid-stimulating hormones (total thyroxine and triiodothyronine) concentration in the blood serum of rats under the conditions of a subacute experiment.

Number of publications: 1 monograph, 4 articles (3 in English-language magazines with an impact factor). The total number of references to the author's publications/ h-index of the work, according to the databases is: Scopus – 4/1, Google Shcolar – 12/2. Received 1 Ukrainian patent for a utility model