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textbook. Fundamentals of the National Security and Defense Strategy of the State:

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The title of the textbook. Fundamentals of the National Security and
Defense Strategy of the State: a textbook [by the general ed. V. M. Telelim]. –
3rd edition, revised and supplemented. – K .: NDUU named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky,
2015. – 620 pp.
Printing of the textbook - 650 copies.
Authors of the textbook-applicants: Duz-Kryatchenko O. P., Hrytsai P.M.,
Grischenko V. P., Klymenko V. S., Kozinets I. P., Kosevtsov V. O., Nechhayev S.
M., Punda Yu V.
Educational institution: National Defense University of Ukraine named after
Ivan Chernyakhovsky.
Purpose of creation. Improvement of the acquisition quality of full-time,
part-time and distance learning students by subjects of the discipline “Strategy of
National Security and Defense of the State”: specialty “Public Management and
Administration”, educational qualification “Master in Specialization - Public
Management and Administration”; from the specialty “State Military
Administration”, professional qualification “professional in state military defense
administration, military administration officer at operational-strategic level”.
For the first time, the textbook “Fundamentals of the National Security and
Defense Strategy” was released in 2009 (350 copies); the second edition of the
textbook in 2010 (350 copies) was approved by the Ministry of Education and
Science of Ukraine “as a textbook for attendees, cadets, students” (decision of
16.04.2010 number 1/11-3154), the third edition of the textbook in 2015 (650
copies) was approved by the Academic Council of the National Defense University
of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyakhovsky “as a textbook for use in the training
and educational process”(decision of 26.10.2015 number 14).
Novelty and practical significance of the textbook. The present edition of the
textbook uses modern methods for assessing the security environment and
forecasting threats to the national interests of the state, as well as substantiating
and adopting strategic decisions, taking into account the experience of carrying out
an antiterrorist operation. This publication can be considered a textbook of the new
generation, in which the material presented systematically covers both theoretical
and practical knowledge about the quality of national (military) security and
defense of the state, taking into account the experience of carrying out an
antiterrorist operation (with the participation of the authors-applicants, O.P. Dus
Krytchenko, I.P. Kozinets and P. M. Hrytsai), increases the educational motivation
of the students of the Institute of State Military Management by obtaining them
systematic knowledge in a wide range of problems in the military sphere and its
effective using in the future positions in the senior bodies of state and military
The textbook can also be useful to scholars, government officials, other
professionals who are professionally involved in national security and defense
issues, as well as attendees (cadets, students) of higher education in