M46 |
A constitutional right to appeal to international judicial institutions and international organization (Number of comments: 34) |
M46 |
The cycle of scientific works "Devirtualization of Virtual: at the Top of Falling" (Number of comments: 3) |
M46 |
Innovative development of the national economy during the pandemic (Number of comments: 20) |
M46 |
Theory and practice of preventing corruption in the national police of ukraine: administrative and legal research (Number of comments: 82) |
M48 |
Public management of educational changes in Ukraine: theoretical bases. (Number of comments: 136) |
M48 |
The Crimean Tatar Language in Ethnic-Cultural Environment of Crimea (Number of comments: 0) |
M48 |
Penitentiary system of Ukraine: theoretical and applied model (Number of comments: 27) |
M48 |
The unity of the judiciary (Number of comments: 7) |
M48 |
The legal status of a lawyer in the context of the formation of civil society and the rule-of-law state in Ukraine (Number of comments: 25) |
M49 |
Population of the Hetman State of the XVIIIth century: social and demographic history (Number of comments: 12) |
M51 |
The concept of Ukraine's energy security (Number of comments: 15) |
M51 |
Ethnic groups of Galicia in the interwar period: interethnic cohabitation and socio-cultural transformations (Number of comments: 0) |
M51 |
The migration of rural youth to cities as a social and psychological problem of the transformative society (Number of comments: 20) |
M51 |
Cultural dimension of linguistic and translation studies: research and teaching (Number of comments: 17) |
M52 |
Regional industrial policy in the strategy of ensuring the economic security of Ukraine (Number of comments: 7) |
M52 |
Economic imperatives of development and commercialization of intellectual property in Ukraine (Number of comments: 20) |
M52 |
Determinants of development of the exchange market of agro-food production in Ukraine (Number of comments: 106) |
M53 |
series of the work "Problems of sustainable lifestyle formation in Ukraine" (Number of comments: 13) |
M53 |
Providing sustainability and development modern economic systems (Number of comments: 22) |
M54 |
Юридичні факти в доктрині приватного права України (Number of comments: 54) |
M54 |
Psychology of the emotional sphere of children with cognitive disorders (Number of comments: 4) |
M55 |
Mechanisms of public management of continuous education development: meeting global challenges (Number of comments: 80) |
M56 |
Non-entrepreneurial legal entities in the private law of Ukraine (Number of comments: 0) |
M56 |
Ensuring the legal order in the border sphere of Ukraine (Number of comments: 76) |
M56 |
Priorities and key mechanisms to ensure environmental and natural-technogenic safety (Number of comments: 22) |
M56 |
Blended learning system of future experts in software engineering (Number of comments: 19) |
M57 |
А series of works «Intellectual property rights management and commercialization» (Number of comments: 8) |
M57 |
Дипломатія Королівства Русі у європейських латиномовних пам’ятках ХІІІ–XV століть (Number of comments: 7) |
M58 |
Model legal acts: the theory and practice of realization (Number of comments: 0) |
M59 |
The economic efficiency of enterprises specializing in of oil crops and their products processing production (Number of comments: 0) |
M59 |
M60 |
Bread in Ukrainians' traditional culture (Number of comments: 0) |
M60 |
Formation of organizational-economic provision for public-private partnership development (Number of comments: 0) |
M60 |
M61 |
Фінансова ефективність інвестиційно-інноваційної діяльності нафтогазових підприємств в умовах концесії (Number of comments: 14) |
M61 |
Political-criminological theory of counteracting criminality (Number of comments: 4) |
M62 |
Jewelery art of Ukraine XX–XXI centuries (Number of comments: 0) |
M63 |
Diachronic Interpretation and Quantitative Verification of Degrees of Nostratic Languages Relationship (Number of comments: 8) |
M63 |
Morality and law as social regulators in the public and private legal relations (Number of comments: 18) |
M63 |
Formation mechanism of restructuring airports (Number of comments: 0) |
M64 |
The formation of administrative culture of future teachers in activity of organs of student’s self-government (Number of comments: 0) |
M64 |
Tactical basics of using forensic forecasting in pre-trial investigation (by the example of the National Police of Ukraine) (Number of comments: 9) |
M65 |
Persons engagement to confidential cooperation by the divisions of national police of Ukraine (Number of comments: 0) |
M67 |
Semiotics of law as a paradigm of the modern legal understanding (Number of comments: 40) |
M67 |
The problem of moral education of youth in national educational periodicals of the second half of the XX century (Number of comments: 0) |
M68 |
Population of the Hetman State of the XVIIIth century: social and demographic history (Number of comments: 8) |
M68 |
Social policy in answer to demographic aging questions (Number of comments: 0) |
M68 |
Historical study of austrian dialects (Number of comments: 0) |
M69 |
Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytskyi: Socio-Economic Vision (Number of comments: 10) |
M70 |
Scientific societies in Ukraine of the ХІХth – early ХХth centuries: polylogue of the scientists and eras: monograph. (Number of comments: 12) |
M70 |
Synthesis of innovative technologies of data processing and analysis to ensure sustainable development of society (Number of comments: 8) |
M71 |
Synthetic Images in Pavlo Tychuna’s Poetic Work and Strategies for their English Translation (Number of comments: 5) |
M71 |
Cycle of scientific works “Non-banking Financial Institutions in Financial Providing of Innovation Projects” (Number of comments: 30) |
M71 |
Child's educational editions: to the problem of preparation of future editors (Number of comments: 1) |
M72 |
Innovative activity of enterprises: stimulation and motivation (Number of comments: 28) |
M72 |
Theoretical and legal issues of protection, using and reproduction of flora of Ukraine (Number of comments: 20) |
M72 |
Regional industrial policy in the strategy of ensuring the economic security of Ukraine (Number of comments: 5) |
M73 |
Philosophical Mode of the General Management Theory (Number of comments: 31) |
M74 |
The ways of development of local self-government of Ukraine in the context of experience of the Memberstates of the European Union (Number of comments: 0) |
M74 |
Fair in the system of ukrainians’ traditional culture (second half of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries) (Number of comments: 0) |
M75 |
А series of the work «Ecologically-oriented management of the administrative territory socio-economic development» (Number of comments: 1) |
M76 |
The revival of meat and dairy industry in the agricultural enterprices in the context of national food security (Number of comments: 22) |
M78 |
Psychological landscape in the prose heritage by Ivan Franko and «The Young Muse». Semantics and poetics. (Number of comments: 0) |
M79 |
Finance of Holding Companies (Number of comments: 2) |
M81 |
Role of information democracy and e-governance for political system and civil society in Ukraine (Number of comments: 43) |
M82 |
Yosyph Slipiy’s preaching heritage: the linguistic aspect (Number of comments: 6) |
M85 |
A series of works “Religious tradition in law” (Number of comments: 22) |
M85 |
Innovative technologies in forensic ballistics (Number of comments: 28) |
M86 |
The counteraction crimes in the sphere of public procurement (Number of comments: 22) |