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Regenerative and cellular technologies in the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries in military personnel


Presented State Institution "Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine", National military medical clinical centre "Main military clinical hospital"

Doctor of Medical Sciences O.O. Kostrub; Doctor of Medical Sciences R.I. Blonskyi; Doctor of biological sciences S. Magomedov; Doctor of Medical Sciences O.V. Dolgopolov; Doctor of Medical Sciences M.P. Grytsai; Candidate of Medical Sciences I.A. Zasadnyuk; Candidate of biological sciences D.O. Zubov; Doctor of Philosophy V.O. Rohozynskyi

Relevance.  Musculoskeletal injuries in military personnel due to Russian military aggression rank first and constitute 80,2% of all injuries sustained. Consequently, the use of innovative regenerative and cellular technologies in treating musculoskeletal injuries is extremely relevant, as it improves treatment outcomes and accelerates the return of military personnel to their professional duties, thereby strengthening our country's defense capabilities.

The aim of the study is to improve the treatment outcomes of musculoskeletal injuries in military personnel using cellular regenerative technologies, both alone and in combination with surgical treatments.

Results. This work addresses a current scientific and medical issue treating musculoskeletal injuries, particularly injuries to joint cartilage, tendons, bones, and ischemic muscles in military personnel using regenerative and cellular technologies. The experimental study deepened knowledge and demonstrated the positive therapeutic effects of mesenchymal stem cells, autologous fibroblasts, and autologous platelet-rich plasma on the regenerative processes in musculoskeletal injuries in experimental animals, with subsequent implementation of the results in the treatment of military personnel.

Differentiated approaches to treating joint cartilage, tendon, bone, and ischemic muscle injuries in military personnel using cellular and regenerative technologies, both alone and in combination with other, including surgical, treatment methods, were developed. This allowed for improved treatment outcomes and accelerated the return of military personnel to their professional activities, addressing a primary objective of military medicine.

Number of publications: 9 patents, 4 monographs, 60 articles in professional journals listed by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine or indexed in international databases, and 21 abstracts in the materials of scientific and practical conferences. The results of the work have been implemented in the practice of the departments of the National military medical clinical centre «Main military clinical hospital» and the State Institution «Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine». The total number of citations/h-index (citation index) of the authors' works according to scientometric databases is as follows: Web of Science – 139/5, Scopus – 22/7/7, and Google Scholar – 740/11.