Work number - M 28 AWARDED
Presented S. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
1. ILIENKO Volodymyr Anatolijovych ― Candidate of Geological Sciences, Researcher (a.i. Scientific Secretary), S. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;
The cycle of scientific works is devoted to the study of the deep structure of the lithosphere of Ukraine, its structural and metallogenic features based on the interpretation of the results of modern experimental electromagnetic research and three-dimensional geoelectric modeling.
Three-dimensional geoelectric models were interpreted: the central part of the Zvizdal-Zaliska and Brusylivka fault zones of the Ukrainian Shield, the metabasite massifs of the Golovaniv suture zone, and the subsurface model of the Steppe Crimea (Yevpatoriya and Saksky profiles).The results of geoelectrical research of the oil and gas-bearing area of the southern side of the central part of the Dnipro-Donetsk basin and modern geoelectrical research of the Ukrainian Carpathians are described.
As a result of these studies, detailed three-dimensional geoelectrical models of the earth's crust and upper mantledifferent parts of the territory of Ukraine were constructed for the first time.For the first time, based on the results of 3D geoelectrical modeling, electrical conductivity anomalies in the earth's crust that spatially coincide with deep fault zones. Zones of gas-fluid unloading of the subsoil within the limits of electrical conductivity anomaly in the earth's crust, which spatially coincide with deep fault zones, are identified. Within them, promising areas for further research with the purpose of prospecting for minerals are highlighted.
The concept of the complex nature of anomalous electrical conductivity, which can be caused by graphitization, sulfidization, or quartzization of rocks in metasomatic zones along extended fault zones and their conjugation with zones of metallogenic ore and non-ore manifestations, gained further development.
Main scientific and technical results. Magnetotelluric research was carried out, geoelectric inhomogeneities were identified and three-dimensional geoelectric models were formed, the deep structure of individual geological structures and their metallogenic features were investigated.
The results obtained in this work have no analogues in Ukraine and abroad. Technical and economic indicators were not calculated.
Загальна кількість посилань на публікації автора/h-індекс за останні 5 років
ІЛЬЄНКО Володимир: Web of Science 17/3, Scopus – 20/4, Google Scholar – 48/5
Number of publications: 10 articles in journals, included in the category "А", 1theses of reports. The total number of references to authors' publications/h-index by work according to the databases is, respectively: Web of Science 25/3, Scopus 0/0, Google Scholar 16/2