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The relations between Ukraine and Europe in the early modern era: a study of a rare old printed books of the 17-th century

Work number - M 14 AWARDED

Presented Institute of Literature of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine.

Tkachuk Ruslan Fedorovych, doctor of philological sciences, the senior researcher of department of early Ukrainian literature of Shevchenko Institute of Literature of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine

The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that it is the first in the history of Ukrainian literature a systematic and comprehensive analysis of the rare old printed book of the Ukrainian polemicist and theologian Theodore Skumynovych «Przyczyny porzucenia Disuniey» (1643) was carried out in historical, theological and rhetorical aspects. In the work, widely involving new data from the history of the Byzantine Empire, Rus-Ukraine and also theology, it is critically presented the view of Theodore Skumynovych on the most discussed ritual and dogmatic differences between the Catholic and Orthodox churches of that time, such as the primacy of the Pope, the Filioque, the purgatory, the matter and form of the sacrament of the Eucharist. The work shows the assimilation of the counter-reformation style of writing polemics by Ukrainian literature.

The relevance and scientific and practical significance of the work is explained by the fact that it helps to better understand the genesis, reasons and specifics of modern contradictions of church-social relations in Ukraine. The experience of Catholic and Orthodox clergy in overcoming confessional contradictions and conducting a dialogue of reconciliation revealed in the work can be useful and used in the latest state policy in the field of religion to ensure religious security, which is an important component of Ukraine's national security.

Scales of implementation. The published in the result of the work monograph was sent to the main scientific libraries of Ukraine, Poland (the library of the University of Warsaw, the library of the Jagiellonian University) and the USA (the library of the University of Pittsburgh)

Number of publications: 2 individual monograph and 16 articles in papers included in category "B". The total number of references to the author's publications / h-index by work according to Google Scholar databases is, accordingly23 / h-index 2 .