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Development of innovative approaches to assessing the aggressiveness of malignant neoplasms of the female reproductive system

Work number - M 64 AWARDED

Presented Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and radiobiology, NAS of Ukraine

Ph.D. Borikun TV, Ph.D. Breeva OV

The authors conducted a study to determine molecular-genetic and epigenetic disorders in tumor cells of the female reproductive system (breast cancer, endometrial cancer) and peripheral blood lymphocytes of patients to substantiate the expediency of their use as markers of aggressiveness of the tumor process.

A correlation was established between the expression of miRNA-21, -200b, -122 and -320 in breast tumor tissue and the stage of the disease and the proliferative activity of tumor cells, miRNA-10b, -155, -200b, -122 and -320 - with the presence of metastases in regional lymph nodes and the degree of tumor differentiation. It has been proven that the analysis of the expression of microRNA-21, -200b, -320 in tumor cells of the biopsy material makes it possible to determine the sensitivity to anthracycline-containing neoadjuvant polychemotherapy before starting it, which, in turn, makes it possible to choose a personalized tactics for treating patients with breast cancer.

It was determined that the increased level of baseline DNA damage, amplification and high expression of oncogenes HER-2/neu and c-MYC, as well as decreased expression of miRNAs-34a, -142 and -125b in tumor cells of endometrial carcinoma are associated with such indicators of tumor progression as a low degree of differentiation and deep invasion of the tumor into the myometrium. A positive correlation was revealed between the DNA repair efficiency in peripheral blood lymphocytes of patients and the expression of the MSH2 mismatch-repair protein in endometrial carcinomas, which indicates the potential use of lymphocytes as indicator cells (surrogate markers) that are capable of displaying molecular genetic features of endometrial carcinomas.

Number of publications: колективна монографія, 30 статей (17 – у англомовних журналах з імпакт-фактором) та 22 тез доповідей, 6 інформаційних листа. Загальна кількість посилань на публікації авторів/h-індекс роботи, згідно баз даних складає відповідно: Web of Science – 8/1, Scopus – 39/7, Google Scholar – 70/9. Одержано 5 патентів України на корисну модель.