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Theoretical and legal issues of protection, using and reproduction of flora of Ukraine

Work number - M 72 AWARDED

Author: Gyrenko I.V.

Series of scientific works is submitted by National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


The aim of the work is development of theoretical foundations and working out practical recommendations and proposals of improving the legal regulation of protection, using and reproduction of flora.

Scientific novelty of the series of scientific papers is that the author`s works are the first complex theoretical and practical research of legal protection, using and reproduction of plant world in the domestic legal science, which is aimed of improving the legislation in mentioned area. The ways of implementation of environmental legal mechanism, the concept of sustainable development, biodiversity, sustainable using, and ecosystem approach in the field of plant world were proposed.  Conceptual bases of improvement of the current legislation on protection, using and reproduction of flora, which is based on comparative analyses of the legislation of Belorussia, Moldova and Russian Federation, were developed. The main directions and ways of implementing of the legal provisions of the EU into national legislation were highlighted. 

The practical significance of the results is the possibility of using formulated conclusions and proposals in the field of research - as a basis for further theoretical environmental and legal researches; lawmaking and enforcement activity - for improving the current environmental legislation; in teaching work - in the preparation of manuals and textbooks on environmental law of Ukraine, special courses on protection, using and reproduction of flora`s objects; in the teaching process.

The results of scientific works are presented in 34 scientific works, including 1 monograph, 20 scientific articles, 8 of which were published in international scientific journals and national journals which are included in abstract and citation databases, 13 theses of reports at scientific conferences, one tutorial and a review to the author`s monograph. H-index of the author is 2.