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Surgical treatment of thoracic aortic disease

Work number - P 27 AWARDED

Authors: Kravchenko IM, Popov VV, Zakharova VP, Yemets IM, Rudenko NM, 
Furkalo SM, Kravchenko VI, Romaniuk OM


Submitted by Government institution "M. M. Amosov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine"

The work solved important scientific and technical problem of surgical treatment of acquired and congenital diseases of thoracic aorta in patients of all ages using originally developed techniques and modified operations.

For the first time a fundamental research of aneurysm formation was conducted, etiopathogenetical factors and their connection to morphological changes in the aotic wall were defined and genetic component of the formation of aneurysms of the thoracic aorta was detected in this work.

New concepts of aortic root surgery were developed, which improved patient’s survival and their clinical status and reduced incidence of reoperations and extended indications spectrum for such procedures.

Developed protocol fetal heart examination using the "segmental analysis" increased the sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound fetal diagnosis of critical congenital heart defects and optimized perinatal treatment tactics.

For the first time in the world an innovative approach was developed and implemented for critical congenital defects of thoracic aorta in the first hours of life of newborns in subadaptation period using autologous umbilical cord blood.

Contemporary alternative endovascular techniques for treatment of congenital and acquired defects of thoracic aorta were refined, contributing to improvement of immediate and long-term results and increasing patient’s quality of life and survival.

 World-class level of the research was recognized at international forums in the United States of America, Europe, South Africa, Australia, Argentina, Canada, Turkey and Russia.

 The economic effect of implementation: reduced costs for surgical treatment of patients by reducing the length of stay in the ICU preoperatively, blood saving technologies in 30-35% of cases, reducing costs for disposables in the perioperative period, reducing the number of emergency transports of critically ill newborns from remote regions of Ukraine.

Number of publications: Scientific results are reflected in the 36 patents, 4 textbooks, 244 printed works, including 106 articles (including 5 in foreign publications), and 138 abstracts (including 84 in foreign publications). 2 doctoral and 8 PhD theses weredefended. The total number of references to publications is 80 with h-index – 6.



