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А series of the work "Viruses of medicinal plants and their harmful influence on the quality of raw material for phytodrugs in Ukraine"

Work number - M 57 FILED



Presented by Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

A series of the work consists of 25 scientific articles, 1 methodical recommendations, 1 author’sabstract of dissertation, 21 thesis and 2 patents, published during 6 years.

The series of work includes results of the first in Ukraine research on the revealing of viruses of herbs, studying of their harmfulness for plants and quality of raw material for phytodrugs.

The novel data of specific composition of viruses’ species which infect medicinal cultures on the territory of Ukraine, and little-known aspects of co-operation of plant viruses and plants are presented in the series of work.It was shown a harmful influence of viruses on the basic links of medical plants metabolism (content of carbohydrates, photosynthetic pigments, microelements) that lead to yield losses.

Results of the cycle are meaningful for development of fundamental biological science and can be used by specialists in plant virology, physiology and biochemistry of plants, by teachers, graduate students and students of higher educational establishments.

Bases for effective diagnostics of viruses which infect medical plants in Ukraine and recommendations on limitation of prevalence of the revealed pathogens on industrial plantations are created.

Author is accomplished raising of new untraditional task, namely finding out of dependence between the plants infecting with viruses and concentration of pharmacologically valuable substances and heavy metals in plants. On the basis of complex investigations it was shown by author at the first time, that infecting with viruses leads to decreasing of quantitative content of the basic biologically active substances, sometimes to the level below than norms regulated the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine. Also at the first time it was proved that viral infection causes increasing of the concentration of some heavy metals including the toxic for human organism.

Asthe receivedresults are direct certificate uselessness and dangers of medications from virus infected plants in some cases, an author is offer new approaches for standardization, development of analytically normative documentation on the raw material. Production of a phytodrugs, bioactive additions, tinctures and teas with the use of plantsare free of viruses is recommended.

The results of research on the topic of work are expounded in 25 articles (including 12 in foreign journals)and 21 theses of the lectures. A general index of publications citations is 0 (according to the Scopus databases), h-index = 0. 2 patents are got.

Number of all author publications - 97.