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Execution of punishment of arrest : modern problems of organization and legal regulation.

Work number - M 41 AWARDED

Author: Avtukhov K. A.

In this paper, solved a major scientific and technical problemsassociated with the development of theoretical and practical aspects of the execution process of arrest (detention) and with problems of improvement of legal regulation of execution of the investigated type of penalty.

The scientificprinciples of the organization of the process of arrest execution were developed.

The content and main features of this punishment have been explored, the historical experience of its application was analyzed. Theoretical position of the legal status of prisoners condemned to arrest, and distinctive legal features of fixing and realization of rights and obligations of those who sentenced to detention have been shown, suggested ways of improving their legislative regulation. Spotted the requirements to be met by the institution for the carrying out of punishment of arrest , emphasized the main features of the regime in arrest-house. Based on the analysis were created propositions for the improvement of the criminal and penal law.

Based on this research were developed and implemented the draft Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Article 51 of the Penal Code of Ukraine (regarding humanization of procedure and terms of reference manner and conditions of punishment in the form of arrest). "

The results of the monographic studies are introduced into the functioning of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine in Kharkiv region, Research Institute of study of crime named after Academician VV Stashys NALS of Ukraine, Kharkiv regional supervisory commission and National Law University named after Yaroslav the Wise.

The economic effectof implementing research results is shown in the optimization of regulation of execution of arrest and practice of State Penitentiary Service staff. As a result, properly organized process of execution has better impact on the prisoners to prevent them committing crimes in the future.

The research results are shown in one monograph, eight articles and thirteen abstracts of scientific reports and presentations at conferences and roundtables.

The author has more than 45 publications.