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Ecological resistance and productivity of the apple scab immune cultivars

Work number - M 45 FILED

Goncharuk J.D.

Instituteof Horticulture National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukrain

The author presents the results of researching the adaptivity to bio- and abiotic stressors as well as the potential and economic productivity of 17 scab immune apple cultivars grown in different regions and has determined the economic efficiency of their fruits production in a non-irrigated orchard on a middle rootstock.

The studied cultivars appeared winter-hardy, frost- and heat-resistant, bud middle-resistant to drought. Cvs “Gold Rush”, “Edera” and “Topaz” have been recognized high adaptive concerning the rhythm of the shoots-one-year increations apical meristems tissues functional activity change during the years. It is characteristic of the investigated apple cultivars to be weak-and middle- susceptible to mildew, high resistant to brown rot and affected very weakly by brown patch except for “Gold Rush”. Most (70,5 %) of the scab immune cultivars have a well-developed blade. It is 9-11- year orchards of “Edera”, “Florina”, “Amulet” and “Perlyna Kyyeva” as well as 6-8-year ones of “Afrodita”, “Vitos”, “Orlovskoye Polyesye” and “Topaz” that formed the highest yield during the research years. As for the pollen quality and cross productivity the cultivars “Revena” and “Gold Rush” have been determined as universal pollinators for the winter apple scab immune cultivars.

The ecologically resistant cvs “Topaz”, “Freedom”, “Afrodita”, “Start”, “Orlovskoye Polyesye”, “Vitos” have been recognized perspective for the establishment of new intense orchards in different soil-climatic regions in the Ukraine Lisosteppe without irrigation.

On the basis of the results of the research work 13 papers have been published, among them one in a foreign edition. Totally the data of the researches have been elucidated in 14 papers, 2 heads of reports, 1 monograph and 1 methodical recommendation.